Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024

Mental Health

Here you can read the latest news and research studies covering mental health. This is also the place to find out about different strategies on how you can reduce stress and boost happiness, and many other ways to look after your mental wellbeing.

Beautiful woman happy and excited expressing winning gesture. Successful and celebrating victory.

Here’s how to stop letting fear of failure hold you back

Failure in any of its forms, professional or personal, can discourage us from embarking on new endeavors. Here are five strategies to overcome the fatal “what ifs” and defeat your fear of failure. Pinpoint exactly what you’re afraid of By locating the source of your fear, it can be much Read More...

Woman relaxing on the shore of lake during salmon pink sunrise

Practicing mindfulness can help ease physical pain

Mindfulness — the awareness and acceptance of a situation without judgment — has been shown to have benefits in treating many conditions such as anxiety and depression. It turns out that even a brief introduction to mindfulness helps people deal with physical pain and negative emotions, Read More...

Silhouette of a angry woman and man on each other

3 Evidence-based reasons forgiveness is good for your health

Humans are social creatures, and as such, our relationships are crucial to our health and wellbeing. However, our relationships are always in flux. Let’s face it: none of us are perfect, which means that people disagree, make mistakes, and miscommunicate, which cultivates tension and negative Read More...

The boy sits on a bench and plays the game online Minecraft in the Park

Exclusive version of Minecraft helps kids with autism learn social skills

The popular video game Minecraft isn’t usually considered a tool that can help people improve social skills and learn how to build relationships—in fact, many people consider playing video games an antisocial activity. However, the opposite is true of Autcraft, an online version of Minecraft Read More...

Happy family having fun time at home

7 men’s health issues that their support systems should understand

Male bodies are at risk for their own distinct health issues such as erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer, and they also experience health issues differently than female bodies. We’ve written before about the fact that men are less likely than women to address or investigate a perceived Read More...

Intestine decorative model with various nutritional probiotic supplements.

Probiotics could help in the fight against depression

As we have reported many times here at Optimist Daily, our gut microbiome is extremely influential in how our body operates. We’ve previously reported on the possible role this group of bacteria plays in medical conditions such as anxiety, strokes, and overeating. Now, a new study from the Read More...

two older people happily driving on a road flanked by greenery on a moped

What’s the secret to a longer life? Optimism of course!

Do you want to live a longer, fuller life? Well, according to this study published earlier this month in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, you should seriously consider cultivating higher levels of optimism.  According to the new study, which involved almost 160,000 women of a range Read More...

Bright City

VR study shows bright colors and green spaces bring joy to cities

We at The Optimist Daily have written a great deal about the positive effects of greenery in cities. They sequester carbon, boost climate resiliency, and they cheer people up. Now, there is research to support greenery, along with bright colors, making cities more enjoyable.  A study from the Read More...


Chicago will give 500 dollars each to 5,000 households

Sometimes, getting money to those who need it can become a complicated task. Organizations aiming to provide health or living relief can do great work, but not everyone needs help with healthcare or rent. Additionally, organizations that require oversight require staff, and that costs more Read More...

School out

Many US states now allow mental health absences for students

Linnea Sorensen is a 17-year-old student from Schaumburg, Illinois northwest of Chicago. She falls into a funk every time her girlfriend of four years leaves for her six-month stints with the Marine Corps. Linnea has trouble focusing on her schoolwork when she gets like this.  "I'm somebody who Read More...