Today’s Solutions: May 03, 2024

Mental Health

Here you can read the latest news and research studies covering mental health. This is also the place to find out about different strategies on how you can reduce stress and boost happiness, and many other ways to look after your mental wellbeing.

10 Ways to speak to yourself w

10 Ways to speak to yourself with compassion

Self-compassion is a critical component of mental health, but in a world where we are often our own harshest critics, this can be difficult. Keeping some compassion-centered phrases on hand will make it easier to shift your perspective when you catch yourself being too harsh. Here are 10 from Read More...

Dutch supermarket introduces â

Dutch supermarket introduces “chat checkouts” to combat loneliness

Jumbo, a Dutch supermarket chain, has come up with a simple and creative solution to combat the widespread issue of loneliness by opening tills where clients can stop and chat instead of being rushed to pay and gather their shopping. The very first “Kletskassa,” which translates to “chat Read More...

Study: Boosting happiness slow

Study: Boosting happiness slows down cognitive decline

A new longitudinal study investigating whether a person’s level of happiness affects their cognitive health as they age strongly suggests that the happier you are, the less likely you are of developing neurodegenerative diseases like dementia. While there have been previous studies that link Read More...

4 Ways to improve your health

4 Ways to improve your health literacy

Navigating health choices was already complex even before a global pandemic. Now, decisions like whether to send your child back to school or wear a mask in the park are compounded by vast amounts of scientific data and public recommendations. Even if you’re not a doctor or a scientist, a few Read More...

Ask these 3 questions to help

Ask these 3 questions to help you choose a therapist

The pandemic has placed unparalleled stress on many people’s mental health. If self-care solutions aren’t doing the trick, it may be time to consider seeing a therapist to get professional advice on what you’re going through. It can take a few tries to find a therapist that works for you, but Read More...

Want better sleep? Try getting

Want better sleep? Try getting outside

Spending time in nature has been shown to boost children’s cognitive development and improve mental health. One study even showed that just listening to nature is good for your health. Now, further research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows that one big aspect of time outdoors Read More...

Arachnophobia? There’s a

Arachnophobia? There's an app for that

Spiders are creepy-looking creatures, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that an estimated five percent of all humans on earth have a serious fear of spindly arachnids. In fact, one 2017 survey found that six-month-old babies often show stress reactions when exposed to spiders, suggesting that Read More...

Find joy in your workday again

Find joy in your workday again with these four strategies

Most of us have experienced at least one bout of burnout while working through a global pandemic, and when you look into the research surrounding stress and isolation, it’s no surprise that we’re not feeling as fulfilled at work these days. Research has shown that social isolation can Read More...

FDA Approves new brain protect

FDA Approves new brain protective gear for athletes

Brain injuries for athletes in contact sports have been steadily rising since they began to be recorded, and despite increased awareness of the traumatic and potential long-term effects of these injuries, little has been accomplished to reduce their likelihood. A study released by the American Read More...

The Renaming Revolution glossa

The Renaming Revolution glossary empowers mothers with language

There is no driving force on Earth more powerful than a mother—none of us would be here without our mothers having carried and birthed us, a beautiful and physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing process. Yet the language associated with pregnancy and labor is often hurtful or critical to the Read More...