Today’s Solutions: September 09, 2024

Self-compassion is a critical component of mental health, but in a world where we are often our own harshest critics, this can be difficult. Keeping some compassion-centered phrases on hand will make it easier to shift your perspective when you catch yourself being too harsh. Here are 10 from Psychology Today writer Alice Boyes Ph.D.

  1. All I need to do today is put one foot in front of the other.
  2. If I chose not to approach this with the goal of perfection, how would I approach this?
  3. Ok, that happened. What would be most helpful now?
  4. I would love to be able to control this situation more than I can. Lack of control makes me anxious. I’m going to give myself kindness for how scary it feels to lack complete control.
  5. I don’t need to rush. I can do this task at my own pace.
  6. Right now, I’m safe and I can take a moment to absorb whatever shockwaves of life I might be experiencing.
  7. Do I need to tell myself a different story about myself? What have I accomplished today? What am I proud of?
  8. I may not know what struggles other people are experiencing, but I know to be human is to struggle. Everyone has their own battles and challenges. I’m not alone in that.
  9. Nobody’s life is perfect and I will face challenges today. How can I best protect myself and those around me with the resources I have?
  10. Am I expecting more of myself than other people are of me? Would reality-checking my thinking help me feel less anxious and pressured?

How we speak to ourselves impacts how we see the world and ourselves in it. Positive self-talk is the first step towards prioritizing self-love and making self-compassion a habit.

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