Today’s Solutions: May 19, 2024


From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.

four dogs in costume pose on a video chat

The DogPhone allows dogs to call their owners while they're out

Dog owners know that even though their furry companions can’t speak, they all find unique and innovative ways to communicate with their humans. Now, researchers have developed a device, nicknamed the DogPhone, which offers a way for canines at home to reach their owners while they’re Read More...

Child with grocery list in grocery cart

Household chores help boost language and math skills

When we talk about learning reading and writing skills, most people think about school, but child psychologists find that household tasks and chores can also be instrumental in helping children practice literacy and math. Researcher Diana Leyva emphasizes that these tasks are particularly Read More...

Group of friends having a discussion

The Art of Connection: Finding ourselves through others

“We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” - Brené Brown By Kristy Jansen Preparing for a second holiday season in the pandemic era, I have found myself seeking a deeper understanding about what makes Read More...

raking autumn leaves from a yard

Make the most of your garden's fallen leaves by making leaf mold

As we delve deeper into autumn, many gardeners will find themselves with a surplus of fallen leaves. One great way to use that free natural resource is by gathering the fallen leaves and making leaf mold. You may have never heard of it before, but leaf mold is an excellent way to make your own Read More...

Cook putting food scraps into a compost pile

So your compost has mold? What it means and what to do about it

So you’ve set up a functioning compost system in your backyard. First things first, congratulations! But how do you know if your compost is healthy and thriving? Mold and fungi are actually a sign of a functioning compost pile, but not all kinds of mold are good. Check out the list below to Read More...

Pouring tea from a teapot

Who spilled the tea? The answer is physics

The science behind an important unexplained everyday occurrence in our world has finally been described. Called the “teapot effect," it refers to an experience many of us have probably had: We go to pour a piping hot beverage out of a teapot too slowly, and end up with unwanted tea all over the Read More...

Lisbon city at dusk

It is now illegal for employers in this country to contact workers after hours

Implementing employment policies that encourage a healthier work-life balance for employees can go a long way in benefiting both staff and employers. With that in mind, Portugal’s government has recently approved a set of new labor laws that protect employees’ working conditions. One of the Read More...

person prepares to preserve shredded vegetables in a mason jar

Minimize your food waste with these 5 preservation methods

Here at The Optimist Daily, we love sharing practical ways people can help combat climate change right at home. While the climate crisis may leave us feeling helpless and overwhelmed, there are small actions that we can take that will propel us in the right direction and empower us. Food waste Read More...

Man and dog sleeping on a bed

What is the ideal bedtime? Science has a new answer

If you live in the US, daylight saving time has probably thrown your sleep schedule for a loop, but the good news is that if you’re working on getting back to a regular sleep and wake time, researchers have new insights into what time you should be striving for. Researchers from UK Biobank Read More...

Man disassembling smartphone with a screwdriver

4 simple ways to reduce your everyday waste

We all want to reduce our personal footprints, and a big part of this is reducing the amount of waste we produce at home. Today we bring you four strategies for reducing waste in commonly-wasteful areas of your life: Electronics, food, bedding, and the garden. Is it repairable? A high Read More...