Today’s Solutions: May 03, 2024


From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.

Turning the tide after losing

Turning the tide after losing your temper: an expert guide at cooling down and bouncing back

Ever had one of those moments where your temper got the best of you, and you ended up unleashing your inner Hulk? We've all been there - a moment of explosive anger that leaves us with lingering guilt and regret. Losing our temper is a part of being human, but the aftermath doesn't have to be a Read More...

Insights from a language exper

Insights from a language expert: master confident communication in 2024

Communication is more than simply the words you use; it is also about how you use them. Confident communication is more than a show of bravado. To come across as assertive without sounding arrogant is a delicate dance of words and tone. But how can you strike this balance? Here are a few smart tips Read More...

Does dry January really work?

Does dry January really work? Unveiling the science behind one month of sobriety

After an eventful and jolly holiday season, it's completely normal for people to come into the new year wanting to rethink their alcohol consumption patterns. Dry January arises as a symbolic commitment to health, shining a light on the dangers of binge drinking. Though we may not like to admit Read More...

These are the best exercises f

These are the best exercises for preventing injuries and maximizing lifespan

Physical activity is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle, as it contributes to general well-being and lifespan. However, the possibility of exercise-related injuries is frequently disregarded until it becomes a significant issue. Understanding the relationship between exercise and Read More...

Young Woman Using Laptop at Home, Does Remote Work, Listens Music through Headphones.

Boosting your attention span: Tips to train your brain

We understand attention as a distinct mental or neurological process—however, as research in this field makes clear, "attention" is just the name we give to a variety of mechanisms we have for filtering out irrelevant or overwhelming information. The ability to selectively focus attention on Read More...

Drink like a centenarian: The

Drink like a centenarian: The top 5 beverages for longevity

Currently, the oldest person on the planet is an impressive 118 years old. However, new research suggests that we could theoretically live up to 150 years. Imagine all the things we could accomplish with that kind of time!  To increase your chances of a long and healthy life, take some notes Read More...

Close-up of microgreen broccoli. Concept of home gardening and growing greenery indoors

The case for eating more broccoli sprouts

You probably already know that broccoli is a healthy vegetable that helps reduce inflammation, but what about broccoli sprouts? These sprouted broccoli seeds are a wonderful superfood for your brain. What makes them so healthy, and how you may incorporate them into your diet, is as follows: Why Read More...

Pretty girl messaging before sleeping at night. Addicted woman suffering from insomnia surfing on the internet with cell.

How to prevent before-bed screen use from completely ruining your sleep

We hear it again and again: Avoid devices before bedtime to sleep properly. Research and sleep specialists say late-night scrolling and streaming stimulate your brain, delaying sleep and preventing quality rest. Electronic light disrupts your body clock and sleep. The recommendation is Read More...

Meaningful moments: how to mak

Meaningful moments: how to make family gatherings more engaging over the holidays

During the holiday season, the spirit of family togetherness is sometimes overshadowed by family tensions and unavoidable disputes. Caroline Maguire, M.Ed., a recognized childcare specialist and author of Why Will No One Play with Me?: The Play Better Plan to Help Children of All Ages Make Friends Read More...

These 8 tips will help reduce

These 8 tips will help reduce holiday cooking stress

Spice up your holiday cooking with these eight helpful and stress-reducing tips and savor the true joy of the season: making merry memories with those you cherish most. Smart store-bought swaps Professionals and home cooks alike agree on a simple principle to making holiday meals easier: there's Read More...