Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


Alongside taking care of other people and the planet, make sure you take good care of yourself. The Lifestyle section at the Optimist Daily has solutions for everyday wellbeing on topics like food, beauty, fashion, and the latest trends. Curious about caring for houseplants, eating plant-based, or parenting tips? It’s all in there.

8 surprising things ultra-prod

8 surprising things ultra-productive people do every day

When it comes to productivity, we all face the same challenge — there are only 24 hours in a day. Yet some people seem to have twice the time; they have an uncanny ability to get things done. Even when juggling multiple projects, they reach their goals without Read More...

What is mindfulness and how do

What is mindfulness and how does it work?

It is readily arguable that the single most significant development in mental health practice since the turn of the millennium has been the widespread emergence of mindfulness-based approaches. They are popping up everywhere you look. Type “mindfulness” into Google and you get 27 million Read More...

Your first thought is rarely y

Your first thought is rarely your best thought: Lessons on thinking

The best advice I’ve ever gotten about thinking came from a private-company CEO who has a thirty-year track record that’s up there with Warren Buffett’s. One day he said to me, “Shane, most people don’t actually think. They just take their first thought and Read More...

You can actually learn to be w

You can actually learn to be wise, and it can help you feel less lonely

Most people were either stunned or amused when British prime minister Theresa May appointed a Minister of Loneliness a few months ago, acknowledging that, “for far too many people, loneliness is the sad reality of modern life.” Yet, this should not have come as a surprise or a joke. In study Read More...

Become the CEO of your own bra

Become the CEO of your own brain in six easy steps

You may have tried to control your thoughts at one time or another. With the aid of self-help books, perhaps you really tried to “Be Positive” and “Show Negativity the Door.”  And this may have even worked for a while. But sooner or later, you probably found yourself back at the starting Read More...

This map will take you to the

This map will take you to the most isolated roads in America

There’s nothing more beautiful in America than the wide open roads that run through some of the most stunning nature in the world. Yes, driving in cities can be a pain, but on the rural roads of the U.S., it’s absolutely a pleasure. If you’re up for wonderful road trip, this map will take you Read More...

Happiness isn’t the same

Happiness isn't the same thing as pleasure, and our brain knows it

People trying to sell you a new car, a fancy phone, or a bigger home might like you to believe that money can buy a whole lot of happiness. But your brain knows that's not true. Money can buy you pleasure, but happiness has to come from somewhere Read More...

These dramatic images will mak

These dramatic images will make you see nature in a whole new light

Photography of nature serves a great purpose. It prompts us to see nature in a slightly different way and contemplate about the greater meaning of human engagement in nature, especially in relation to its cyclic processes. Take a look here at the breathtaking photos taken by a Chicago-based Read More...

Deutsche Bank executive: Bank

Deutsche Bank executive: Bank accounts could disappear within 15 years

Marcus Schenck, one of the most senior executives at Deutsche Bank, believes that bank accounts as we know them now could disappear in as little as five Read More...

A stock exchange that rewards

A stock exchange that rewards long-term thinking may soon be fully operational

Tired with the short-term thinking of Wall Street, a group of entrepreneurs are applying to operate a whole new US stock exchange called the Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE). The ambitious project aims to overhaul how companies raise money and bring about better corporate governance by introducing Read More...