Today’s Solutions: May 03, 2024


Having a difficult time finding positive news about national and global politics? Search no further! From public policy to positive leadership to democracy efforts, find the latest good news stories in the world of politics at The Optimist Daily.

One Bicycle Foundation empower

One Bicycle Foundation empowers students with just two wheels

Sebouh Bazikian started Bikes 4 Orphans when he was just 16 years old. Despite still being in high school, he partnered successfully with Serving Orphans Worldwide to provide bicycles to youth in Zimbabwe for transportation and improved quality of life.  Now, nearly 10 years later, Bazikian is Read More...

France introduces “repairabi

France introduces “repairability index” to bring circularity to electronics

These days it’s all too common to have a drawer of discarded cell phones and other broken electronics in our homes, but if we want our economy to become truly circular, we will have to come up with innovative ways for these electronics to be repaired and reused when they get damaged. To achieve Read More...

Chris Richardson and Carleigh Sailon with the Mental Health Center of Denver (left and right) and Spencer Lee, a Denver Health paramedic, stand in front of the Support Team Assisted Response's new van.

Denver’s unarmed 911 response team arrested no one in its first 6 months

The waves of protests in 2020 against systematic racism and police brutality led to calls for cities to change their policing systems. Beyond just discriminatory policing, a big part of the problem was that police officers were being called on to respond to non-criminal 911 calls, something they Read More...

Thought Leader Series: Agnes K

Thought Leader Series: Agnes Kalibata on science and the future of farming

Agnes Kalibata is a Rwandan-born agricultural scientist and policymaker. She was recently appointed as UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ special envoy for the 2021 Food Systems Summit, which calls for tangible action on how we produce food to address the limitations of our food system in Read More...

Major win for NYC street vendo

Major win for NYC street vendors as new bill expands number of permits

New York City street vendors have just scored a major victory: The City Council finally passed long-overdue legislation, lifting the restrictive and outdated permit cap that has forced thousands of vendors to operate without a proper license. Called Intro 1116-B, the legislation is the first major Read More...

This startup has a simple plan

This startup has a simple plan to de-risk small-scale African farming

African agriculture, especially small farms, have not had it easy over the past few years. Droughts, pests, floods, and local conflict have exacerbated challenges for many food producers. This is why insurtech startup Pula is working to provide small farmers with insurance to help manage the Read More...

Planting more trees linked to

Planting more trees linked to lower rates of depression in urban areas

We frequently discuss the link between nature and mental health on The Optimist Daily. Another study has emerged solidifying this positive relationship. A study from a team of European researchers has found that more trees planted in a city correlates with fewer antidepressant Read More...

Illinois directs marijuana sal

Illinois directs marijuana sales revenue to areas harmed by war on drugs

One argument for the legalization of marijuana is the opportunity to fund critical community projects and organizations with the tax revenue from legal sales. The state of Illinois is doing just this and they are being very precise with where this money goes. The state is distributing $31.5 million Read More...

US Government to discontinue u

US Government to discontinue use of privately-operated prisons

A big hurdle in criminal justice reform in the United States is the abolishment of for-profit private prisons. In a system that already disproportionately convicts and incarcerates people of color, for-profit systems further exploit and profit off this system of injustice. As a major step towards Read More...

US Government commits to trans

US Government commits to transitioning all federal vehicles to EV models

As part of a broader federal campaign to promote the transition to green energy and create 1 million new jobs in the auto industry and corresponding supply chains, the US federal government has announced plans to transition all government vehicles to all-electric models.  Announced earlier this Read More...