Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

AI is the technology of the future. From supporting art restoration to overcoming the limitations of traditional agriculture and counting wild elephants, find out how AI is transforming the world for the better.

New IBM tool quantifies the am

New IBM tool quantifies the amount of carbon an individual tree sequesters

Although all trees sequester CO2 as they grow, not all of them do so equally. Depending on their type and their location, trees capture different amounts of carbon. In an effort to measure their exact climate benefits, IBM has developed an AI-based tool that precisely maps trees and shows how Read More...

Common Voices strives to repre

Common Voices strives to represent languages neglected by big tech

Technological advancements of recent years decades made information more accessible, have supported a lot of economic growth and global development, and have made it easier to make and maintain connections… for some. However, there are communities that are left behind by such rapid-fire Read More...