Today’s Solutions: May 19, 2024

The Optimist Living

Try these 4 techniques to clea

Try these 4 techniques to cleanse your body this Spring

Your body is an incredible organism that has a natural built-in filtration system to help you get rid of toxins, the harmful substances that have a negative impact on your health. The primary organ that helps to process excess toxins is your liver. Your liver is a powerful built-in filter for Read More...

Six keys to elevating the qual

Six keys to elevating the quality of your life as you age

Genetics may play a key role in the way you age, but that doesn’t mean it will determine your fate. In fact, just 30 percent of physical aging is genetically predetermined, according to an eight-year study. Yes, lifestyle trumps genes, so if you’re keen on keeping your body functioning Read More...

These three strategies will he

These three strategies will help you beat procrastination

One explanation for why procrastination can rule our lives and pull us in has to do with a behavioral economics term called “time inconsistency.” Time inconsistency refers to the tendency of the human brain to value immediate rewards more highly than future rewards. When you make plans for Read More...

Struggling with leisure guilt?

Struggling with leisure guilt? Here are 5 ways to deal with it

Have you ever tried to enjoy some time away from your daily obligations only to feel guilty for doing so? If you have, you’re not alone. Plenty of people feel guilty when they try to take a moment off to relax, even after working all day on something. And while this might say something positive Read More...

Over-apologizing can undermine

Over-apologizing can undermine your confidence. Here’s what to say instead

If you’re someone who knows the value of a good apology–not just for mending fences but also for strengthening relationships in every area of life–you’re way ahead of most people. But if you apologize constantly for every little thing–whether or not it’s warranted–listen up. You may Read More...

A simple trick for finding you

A simple trick for finding your focus when you really need to finish something

Even though office spaces are meant for working productively, it doesn’t always feel that way. From the distraction of open office spaces to the constant requests for meetings, actually getting work done isn’t easy. The abundance of choices brought on by technology doesn’t help either. Yes, Read More...

To nap, or not to nap? Here’

To nap, or not to nap? Here’s what the experts have to say

Everyone loves a good nap. There’s even an unofficial American holiday dedicated to naps (the Monday after Daylight Savings Time goes into effect is National Nap Day). Still, while a nap can feel really good, it can be hard to tell if they are actually good for you. Perhaps you may have Read More...

These 9 natural remedies will

These 9 natural remedies will help you soothe an upset stomach

No matter what the root cause—a bug, food sensitivity, stomach flu, stress, food allergies, constipation, morning sickness, or something else that’s ailing you—when you have an upset stomach, you want it to stop hurting and fast. Although there’s no silver bullet to soothe a stomachache, Read More...

Here’s how to get better at

Here’s how to get better at the art of simply being

Given that we are all breathing, it’s safe to say that we’re all pretty good at being. All day, every day, we exist—our hearts beat, our bodies function more or less—without us having to do too much to ensure these processes continue. Yet we suspect that there is some other level of Read More...

Feeling stuck? These four dail

Feeling stuck? These four daily habits will help spur new personal growth

You probably hear the term personal growth all the time, but what does it really mean? For us, personal growth is all about activities, practices, rituals, or observances performed in the name of enhancing your quality of life, allowing you to know yourself more deeply, and improving your awareness Read More...