Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024


This startup is using dehydrat

This startup is using dehydration to turn food waste into healthy snacks

A San Francisco-based startup by the name of Treasure8 might have found the key to solving the problem with food waste—at least partially. What Treasure8 has developed is a drying machine that can fully dehydrate fruits, vegetables, and fungi without stripping them of their nutrients in around in Read More...

How to take a vacation that is

How to take a vacation that is truly sustainable

What’s better than a relaxing vacation? A relaxing vacation that is also sustainable—one that doesn’t harm the people or the surrounding area where you choose to spend your leisurely time. There are many practical ways to exercise sustainable travel. Before you head on your next trip, make Read More...

Haven’t worked out in ages?

Haven’t worked out in ages? Here are 3 strategies to motivate yourself again

Working out can be hard, but what’s even harder is working out after months of avoiding any form of fitness. Just trying to get back into the swing of things can be such a struggle that you take another huge break before trying again. To ease your fitness frustration and give you the motivation Read More...

There’s a lot of buzz su

There's a lot of buzz surrounding Internet of Things technology

Using Internet of Things (IoT) technology can help us better understand the health of bee hives in order to cater to the needs of bees more effectively. These days, IoT technology can allow us to monitor beehives with remote sensors as a way of keeping beekeepers updated on the status of the bees. Read More...

Google to donate 100,000 smart

Google to donate 100,000 smart speakers to people with paralysis

While smart speakers have made a lot of people’s homes more comfortable, for people with disabilities these state-of-the-art gadgets can be life-changing. The hands-free, intuitive nature of this technology allows people to control light switches, thermostats, locks and more with just their Read More...

Hedonistic sustainability: thi

Hedonistic sustainability: this clean energy plant doubles as a ski slope

How do you make a waste-to-energy plant a more appealing proposition to the public? How about putting an artificial ski slope on top of it? In Copenhagen, Denmark, city officials recently opened the “cleanest waste-to-energy power plant in the world”, capable of converting 440,000 tons of Read More...

Mexico’s 3D-printed neighbor

Mexico’s 3D-printed neighborhood for impoverished families is coming to life

On May 13th of this year, the top story of the Optimist Daily was about a nonprofit called New Story that had plans to build the world’s first 3D-printed neighborhood for poor people in Latin America. Well, we’re excited to tell you that the first homes of this neighborhood have been Read More...

The beautiful design of vertic

The beautiful design of vertical forests is spreading to cities across the globe

The forest and the city may seem like opposites, but what if our architecture could meld our cities with our natural spaces? This is what architect Stefano Boeri’s vertical forest attempts to do. His prototype in Milan features two residential buildings with 20,000 trees, shrubs and plants. Read More...

This London building has the w

This London building has the world's largest living wall

For some time already, climate scientists have highlighted that our built environment has the potential to help mitigate climate change, support adaptation, and improve public health. The general idea is that the way we design and develop our cities can have a long-lasting positive impact on the Read More...

Bedtime beverages for when cou

Bedtime beverages for when counting sheep just won't put you to sleep

Even though it’s just an hour, daylight savings time change can throw off your sleep routine. If the new sunset time is leaving you tossing and turning at bedtime, consider trying one of these 9 drinks proven to help you sleep. Cherry juice: Cherries’ high tryptophan content is thought to Read More...