Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024

Total number of posts: 22724

Is Kundalini yoga the perfect

Is Kundalini yoga the perfect holistic intervention for older women at risk of Alzheimer’s?

UCLA Health conducted a landmark study that revealed the transforming potential of Kundalini yoga for older women at risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study, published in Translational Psychiatry, demonstrates how this holistic technique extends beyond memory augmentation, providing a comprehensive Read More...

Toronto’s skyline soars:

Toronto's skyline soars: return of bald eagles signal urban environmental victory

It is a momentous occasion for the Canadian city of Toronto, as it welcomes a pair of bald eagles nesting for the first time in recorded history, highlighting the city's growing environmental commitment. Karen McDonald from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority notes, "These eagles are Read More...

Formerly homeless guides offer

Formerly homeless guides offer unique experiences of iconic cities

In cities across the world, the streets tell stories—stories of triumph over adversity, resilience, and transformation. Invisible Cities, a breakthrough organization, transforms these stories into one-of-a-kind walking tours conducted by former homeless guides. Let's look at the transforming Read More...

Going for the goal: the impact

Going for the goal: the impact of team sports on boosting young girls' confidence

In a pioneering study, the Here for Every Goal report demonstrates that team sports, particularly elite women's soccer (referenced from here on in this article as 'football'), play an important role in boosting young girls' confidence. A startling 80 percent of individuals reported feeling more Read More...

Paws and pages: the Worcester

Paws and pages: the Worcester Library's feline solution for overdue fees

In the heart of Worcester, Massachusetts, a unique and touching program is enthralling the neighborhood, demonstrating that sometimes all it takes to repair overdue library items is a touch of feline charm. Worcester Public Library's 'March Meowness' campaign is transforming the way library fines Read More...

Arizona’s new Chief Heat

Arizona's new Chief Heat Officer to address and manage soaring temperatures

In reaction to the searing temperatures and the warmest year on record, Arizona's Department of Health Services named Dr. Eugene Livar its Chief Heat Officer. Dr. Livar, a physician and former assistant director for public health preparation, offers important experience to the position, having Read More...

Ramadan 2024: 10 vital tips fo

Ramadan 2024: 10 vital tips for staying healthy and preventing weight gain

Ramadan, the month of fasting, introspection, and spiritual growth, presents a unique set of challenges for people who want to maintain an active lifestyle. Fasting from sunrise to sunset necessitates careful planning to ensure energy levels are maintained and physical well-being is prioritized. Read More...

Shield your drinking water fro

Shield your drinking water from microplastics via boiling

On February 28, scientists released a revolutionary study in Environmental Science and Technology Letters that investigated the effectiveness of boiling tap water in eliminating microplastics. What about the discovery? Boiling water for five minutes could result in a 90 percent decrease in these Read More...

The surprising compatibility o

The surprising compatibility of co-CEOs from different generations

At the heart of The Harris Poll is an unorthodox leadership team that defies generational assumptions. Will Johnson, who straddles the millennial and Gen X generations, teams up with seasoned CEO John Gerzema, a baby boomer with two decades of expertise. Together, they navigate the obstacles of Read More...

Nurturing emotional resilience

Nurturing emotional resilience and regulation in kids: a mindful parenting guide

Unlocking the secrets to raising emotionally resilient children becomes a science-backed adventure as you parent. Let's dig further into the research to find the mindful strategy that will help your child's emotional well-being. Unlocking emotional regulation: a mindful approach The purpose Read More...