Today’s Solutions: May 16, 2024

Total number of posts: 22722

Sharks and hurricanes: How do

Sharks and hurricanes: How do marine predators cope with storms?

Hurricane Idalia wreaked havoc in Florida last Wednesday, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake as a powerful Category 4 storm. Homes were swamped, highways transformed into rivers, electricity lines were downed, and at least one person died in a traffic-related tragedy. Humans, with our Read More...

Food as medicine: Fruit and ve

Food as medicine: Fruit and vegetable prescriptions boost heart health

The ancient concept of "food as medicine" receives new legitimacy in a revolutionary study, reinforcing the age-old belief that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can perform wonders for heart health. In the midst of a diet-related disease epidemic that rivals smoking as the main cause of death, Read More...

Flora, fauna, and funga! UN ad

Flora, fauna, and funga! UN advocates for new turn of phrase in conservation discourse

The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) argued for the inclusion of fungi in conservation debates alongside flora and fauna so that fungi are “recognized and protected on an equal footing with animals and plants in legal conservation frameworks”. This shift in perspective Read More...

Representatives from 185 count

Representatives from 185 countries establish the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund

Amid mounting worries about the health of our planet's ecosystems, delegates from 185 countries gathered on Thursday, August 24th in Vancouver, Canada, for the Global Environment Facility's (GEF) Seventh Assembly to declare a critical step forward. They presented the Global Biodiversity Framework Read More...

Revolutionary brain-computer i

Revolutionary brain-computer interface unlocks the voices of those silenced by paralysis

In a remarkable breakthrough, technology is giving those who have long been silenced by paralysis a voice. An advancement in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) allowed a severely paralyzed woman to express herself through an avatar that translates her brain signals into voice and facial expressions. Read More...

Boosting urban plant diversity

Boosting urban plant diversity: A strategy for increasing insect species in cities

Plant diversity is being used more and more in urban landscaping because of its revolutionary potential to restore urban ecosystems and increase insect populations. A recent study led by Dr. Luis Mata of the University of Melbourne demonstrates the extraordinary potential of increasing native Read More...

Wielding the language of wines

Wielding the language of wines to get the tasting experience you crave

Embarking on a wine journey can often feel like traversing a familiar path, leaving behind a plethora of unexplored vineyards. While the wine world is large and diverse, most of us take comfort in the known, returning to a trusty bottle or a predictable variety from a renowned region. But don't Read More...

Ecuadorians take a stand and v

Ecuadorians take a stand and vote to save the heart of the Amazon from oil drilling

Ecuadorians made history by voting to prohibit the development of new oil wells in the Yasuní national park, in a resounding display of environmental consciousness and civic engagement. This amazing verdict not only protects one of the world's most biodiverse places but also establishes a global Read More...

Beating the heat: Your compreh

Beating the heat: Your comprehensive guide to staying cool and safe in extreme heat

Summer's blistering heat can turn even the most mundane activities into a sweaty ordeal, and with high temperatures stretching longer into the year, healthy heat practices are a topic worth revisiting. Whether you're commuting, walking your dog, or simply going for a stroll, the rising heat can Read More...

UK achieves record numbers of

UK achieves record numbers of heat pump and solar panel installations in the first half of 2023

The United Kingdom pressed ahead with its renewable energy objectives, recording an astonishing spike in solar panel and heat pump installations during the first half of 2023 in a resounding display of environmental dedication. This tremendous achievement not only demonstrates the country's Read More...