Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024

80 results for "ukraine"

hand holds sign depicting Ukrainian flag with words: stand with Ukraine

The EU and the world stand with Ukraine

While Russian troops continue to push into Ukraine, more and more people all over the world and across Europe are banding together to show support and solidarity against this violent assault. Though these are scary and uncertain times, it is encouraging to see how humanity can find common ground to Read More...

Kyev Monument of Independence

History provides context: A modern timeline of Ukraine-Russia relations

Part of what happens when a dramatic event shocks the world is that the headline news cycle moves fast in one direction, and we can lose sight of the context within which these events are occurring. The answer to that cycle is to seek out historical context. An excellent overview of the key events Read More...

child stands in field with Ukrainian flag

Here's how we can help Ukraine right now

On early Thursday morning, Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It is hard to say exactly how this historical event will play out, however, right now, Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are suffering. Many of us probably feel like we are already maxed out on historical trauma, what with Read More...

Ukraine Support Image

Avoid sharing misinformation about Russia's invasion to support Ukraine

The Optimist Daily is committed to supporting truth in news and solutions-focused journalism for a better world. As we have witnessed for more than a month now, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia comes in the form of not only physical violence but also belligerent media manipulation and Read More...

Bus under live oaks in Florida street

These 17 “super trees” make cities vastly more livable

Creating more green space in urban areas is a highly effective way to lower temperatures and improve health outcomes during heat waves, but when it comes to tree planting in cities, not all trees are created equal. Research from Rice University finds that 17 “super trees” are most powerful in Read More...

Foggy forest at dusk

Ukraine plans to plant one billion trees over the next three years

Back in 2019, Swiss scientists conducted a study that concluded that the most effective way to combat climate change is to plant a trillion trees. According to the study’s calculations, planting at least one trillion trees could sequester nearly 830 billion tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide Read More...

Chernobyl continues to be an u

Chernobyl continues to be an unexpected wildlife sanctuary

A couple of years ago, The Optimist Daily wrote about a surprisingly positive outcome of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in northern Ukraine— the rewilding of the territory. As an update, we are happy to report that endangered animals are still thriving there, including the Przewalski’s Read More...

Court grants ‘priority statu

Court grants ‘priority status’ to historic youth-driven climate case

Back in September, we wrote about a groundbreaking court case filed by young activists from Portugal that demanded 33 countries to make more ambitious emissions cuts to protect their future physical and mental wellbeing. Those countries include all the EU states, as well as the UK, Norway, Russia, Read More...

Portuguese youth are taking 33

Portuguese youth are taking 33 countries to court over climate change

The youth isn’t very happy about climate change. If the Fridays4future climate strikes didn’t make that clear, a new court case filed by young activists from Portugal at the European court of human rights makes it abundantly clear. The case, which was crowdfunded, demands 33 countries make Read More...

Narrow street of old spanish town.

Spanish towns are responding to population decline by welcoming migrants

In November 2019, Ángel Márquez and his family abandoned their home in Venezuela’s Barinas province and joined the more than 4 million Venezuelans that have left their homelands due to the economic and humanitarian crises that plague the country. In search of a new home, the Márquez family Read More...