Today’s Solutions: April 25, 2024

The Optimist Daily is committed to supporting truth in news and solutions-focused journalism for a better world. As we have witnessed for more than a month now, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia comes in the form of not only physical violence but also belligerent media manipulation and interference. As we are trying to understand what’s happening in the world at the moment and what we can do to help, nothing is more important than trustworthy news. In an effort to support the people and voices of Ukraine and minimize the risk of a massive disinformation war being waged by Russia, we would like to recommend the following news sources:

Trusted sources of information on the conflict in Ukraine
Protect yourself and others against media disinformation

We are working at The Optimist Daily to provide accurate coverage of the solutions-focused stories available from Ukraine, including global support efforts, humanitarian outreach, medical support, and other ways the world is standing with Ukraine. Full coverage of our stories can be found here.

Please be careful what you share on social media or forward to friends. It has never been more important to check sources, validate information, and ensure we are not unknowingly participating in media manipulation.

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