Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Illustration of person reading the news.

How to practice news-resilience in a world of negativity bias

It’s well known that humans have an ingrained negativity bias, where negative events more significantly impact our psychological state than positive events. This tendency toward gloom is also reflected in media, with a study from The New York Times revealing mainstream media outlets carry a Read More...

Yes and people"'Yes,

Yes and people"'Yes,and' people invent the airplane;'yes,but' people invent the parachute"

According to bestselling author Berthold Gunster, saying "yes, and" rather than "yes, but" is the key to creativity and innovation. HetkanWel | July/August 2010   “Picture this: You have a good idea and the only thing you hear are ‘yes, but’s. ‘Yes, but that didn’t work before Read More...

The State of the World Forum

The State of the World Forum

The State of the World Forum plans to turn good ideas into urgent action. Jim Garrison | April 2009 issue The State of the World Forum was established in 1995 with Mikhail Gorbachev as the convening chairman to create a global leadership network committed to transforming conversations that matter Read More...