Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Grocery delivery service Insta

Grocery delivery service Instacart will now accept food stamps

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, grocery delivery services such as Instacart have faced unprecedented demand as more people are eager to avoid crowded stores. The problem is that people who receive food stamps are not able to access grocery delivery services. But that is about to change Read More...

Aldi ranked first among US gro

Aldi ranked first among US grocers for its efforts to curtail single-use plastics

The time has come for the big companies to start doing the heavy lifting when it comes to reducing the staggering amount of plastic waste that has made its way virtually everywhere in the world, from the stomachs of whales to the food we eat and the water we drink. And while individual choices Read More...

German supermarket achieves 53

German supermarket achieves 53% cut in greenhouse emissions in only six years

Aldi, one of the most common supermarket chains in Europe, has cut its carbon footprint by 53 percent since 2012 in its UK stores. The achievement was spurred largely by installing solar, buying green energy and undertaking energy management upgrades. Aldi’s efforts show that once a company or Read More...