At a time when the need to replace fossil fuels is urgent, it is amazing to see the results of human innovation and creativity to meet the challenge. Researchers at Berkeley Lab are working on a new producer of biofuel that produces a material that boasts an energy density far higher than jet Read More...
Alternative fuel sources are a hot topic these days, with the widespread boycott of Russian oil and gas combined with the dire state of the environment. In terms of reducing the negative impact conventionally powered vehicles have on the planet, there’s been a lot of investment in electric Read More...
The shipping industry bears an egregious carbon footprint, amounting to nearly 2 percent of total global emissions, about the same as the entire German economy. In its efforts to clean up its act, the industry is preparing to move away from fossil fuels and is exploring using ammonia - the key Read More...
Singer-songwriter Jack Johnson respects the mission of Bob and Kelly King to promote the use of biodiesel in Hawaii and around the Pacific. Jack Johnson | Jan/Feb 2009 issue Bob and Kelly King started Pacific Biodiesel in Hawaii 10 years ago, before anyone knew what biofuels were or why they were Read More...
Hydrogen fuel cells will never be a practical source of power, right? Wrong. The technology is set to take off sooner than you think. Jerry Brown, Rinaldo Brutoco and James Cusumano | October 2007 issue You may think hydrogen power is some futuristic fantasy, fit only for science-fiction writers. Read More...