In recent years, China’s growing wealth has led to a boom in the pet market. This, however, also caused an increase in the number of stray animals, with people abandoning the furry creatures when they do not want to or cannot care for them anymore. In turn, breeding among strays has further Read More...
Last week, the European Parliament made its stance on animal welfare clear by calling for a ban on caged animal farming, after voting overwhelmingly in favor to end the practice. The non-binding resolution hopes to change animal agriculture and reinvent the food supply chain across Europe by Read More...
With an increasing number of people becoming aware of the harsh realities circus animals go through for the sake of human entertainment, in recent years, many circuses have started to step away from using animals in their performances. One of the latest is Vietnam’s Hanoi Circus, which has Read More...
This past Wednesday, the UK announced an immense victory for animal welfare advocates and the creatures they support. Animals will be formally recognized as sentient beings under UK law for the first time in history. These legislative reforms, some of which have been many years in the making, Read More...
Recently, we shared a story about Cher’s successful campaign to free Kaavan, “the world’s loneliest elephant," from a life of misery in a controversial Pakistani zoo. Now, the singer is determined to save Bua Noi, a lonely gorilla that has spent almost all her life behind bars at a shopping Read More...
Going to the aquarium may be a great way to learn about sea creatures, but keeping animals in captivity for such purposes usually comes hand in hand with a number of ethical problems. US engineering firm Edge Innovations wants to change that by creating animatronic dolphins that look almost Read More...
While an increasing number of cities across the world have banned the selling of animal skins and furs in recent years, no government has enacted such a policy on a national level — that is, until now. Israel has recently become the first country in the world to ban the use of animal fur and Read More...
A 47-year-old Asian elephant named Happy has lived in isolation at the Bronx Zoo for the past 12 years. A team of lawyers is now fighting for Happy’s freedom, saying she’s a legal person who’s been falsely Read More...
From The Optimist Magazine Fall 2015 Our parents knew milk comes from cows. Our children may think, as the joke goes, milk comes from the supermarket. Their grandchildren, however, may think it comes from breweries. A pair of young, vegan bio-engineers in the U.S. are producing milk in a radical Read More...
Consumers just scored an important victory over the food industry. Citing an internal study that showed 66 percent of its customers were more likely to shop from a retailer that ensures humane treatment of livestock, Wal-Mart made a historic announcement last Friday. The giant retailer, who Read More...