Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Happy pigs on pig farm in a muddy yard with a fence.

Scientists can now decode pigs' emotions

We can clearly see animals' emotions through their behavior, whether that’s dogs filling up with glee when we grab their leash or elephants mourning a loss in their herd, there is clearly some feeling going on here. While communication between animals and humans remains at a divide, we do Read More...

Seal laughing while lying on the ice

Study: laughter is common among more than 65 species of animals

While laughter may seem like a trait exclusive to human behavior, nothing could be further from the truth. That’s at least according to a recent study which has found that the phenomenon of laughter is actually quite common in the animal kingdom too. Can animals laugh? Conducted by scientists Read More...

A closeup of a giraffe looking into the camera

Study: Scientists successfully distinguish zoo animals from airborne DNA

Earlier last year, a team of scientists demonstrated that animal DNA can be collected from the air — a breakthrough expected to significantly improve conservation efforts, and even potentially revolutionize forensics and epidemiology. Now, scientists decided to take it a step further by Read More...

Domesticated elephant eating green branches

These designers in Thailand are turning elephant dung into bricks

Here at The Optimist Daily, we’re always keen on celebrating the advent of circularity into different sectors of the economy. With that said, we would like to share with you a recent innovative circular solution that uses animal waste to help make the construction industry more Read More...

Well-digging wild horses and d

Well-digging wild horses and donkeys provide an oasis for wildlife

Wild horses and donkeys roaming the American West tend to have an unfavorable reputation among some conservationists, who consider the species as detrimental to ecological balance because they’re not strictly native. This study, however, has found that these equines may be contributing to crucial Read More...

Tiny hummingbird approaching a backyard feeder filled with sugar water nectar

3 Ways to help hummingbirds survive the winter months

Hummingbirds are genetically programmed to migrate to warmer climates during the winter months, which means that if you live in a colder climate, your hummingbird feeder may not get many visitors. With that said, if there are any stragglers or early arrivals in your area, keeping a hummingbird Read More...

Newly discovered spooky parasi

Newly discovered spooky parasite eats and replaces fish tongues

If creepy crawlies and frightening monsters are your thing, then we’ve got a story for you. Officials at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have discovered a peculiar parasite just in time for Halloween. The parasite doesn’t just feast on fish’s tongues—it replaces it and continues Read More...

Researchers discover ancient f

Researchers discover ancient four-legged whale in Egypt

While it’s rather difficult to picture whales outside their vast marine habitats, the early ancestors of these gigantic creatures were actually terrestrial — and a recent discovery of new four-legged whale species brings to light more exciting evidence about the animals’ evolution from land Read More...

Need a laugh? Check out this y

Need a laugh? Check out this year’s comedy wildlife photography finalists

Between the pandemic and climate disasters, summer 2021 hasn’t been easy, but humor is a powerful tool for helping us through tough times. Fortunately, the 2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are here just in time to lift our spirits with some of the best comedic relief nature has to Read More...

South Korea to increase animal

South Korea to increase animal protection by granting them legal status

While South Korea’s pet-owning population grew significantly in recent years, so did the number of animal abuse cases, which are often ignored due to the fact that animals in the country have no legal status. That makes it difficult to bring potential abusers to heel. However, animal abusers and Read More...