BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM This week provides a rare opportunity for stargazers. Saturn will be at opposition on the night of September 7-8, offering the greatest time of year to see the ringed planet. When Saturn is in opposition, Earth is squarely between Saturn and the Sun, making Read More...
It’s true that disco balls have had their place in space for decades now. However, some astronomers argue in a new article that disco balls should also be installed in colleges and scientific institutes. Disco balls, as a group of Scandinavian astronomers put it in their yet-to-be-peer-reviewed Read More...
A celestial display unfolds beneath the velvety African night sky, amidst the peace of Kenya's isolated Samburu county. It’s 1:30 AM in mid-August, and 50 enthralled individuals lie on the dry riverbed, their eyes turned heavenwards, entranced by the stars. The Milky Way arcs gracefully across Read More...
We can take up astronomy now, buy a good telescope, and go out on the right night to look up at the sky and marvel at the gaseous planets of our own solar system. These are of course Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. However, we average enthusiasts would need some different equipment, and Read More...
We learn more fascinating and otherworldly things about our universe the farther out into space we explore. Some of our discoveries bend our understanding of science, and some completely baffle us. This is the case now that scientists have confirmed that there are, in fact, ice volcanoes on Read More...
It is a wonder looking up at space, seeing the continuum of the cosmos in beautiful celestial bodies exploding, reforming, and shining brightly in the night sky. In this stellar life cycle, scientists have discovered the brilliant birth of a new star created from the collision of two dying Read More...
To the delight of astronomy lovers worldwide, a team of scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has recently unveiled the largest and most detailed 3D map of the universe ever. Thanks to data collected by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), the astonishing image Read More...
The search beyond our own galaxy never fails to keep uncovering new and exciting things about our mysterious universe. One of the most recent potential discoveries is a planet in the Messier 51 (M51) or Whirlpool galaxy. What makes this planet, named M51-ULS-1b, so special is the fact it transmits Read More...
In a world-first, astronomers have recorded the earliest moments of a supernova — the powerful explosion of a massive star — in unprecedented detail. The observation is a celebratory moment in the world of astronomy that could help improve our knowledge about what happens to stars the moment Read More...
Astronomers around the world will soon get an exciting opportunity to observe the sky like never before when the world’s largest Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) opens up to the global scientific community starting April 1st. Located in China, the “Sky Eye” parabolic dish is a Read More...