Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Study: Feeling younger can hel

Study: Feeling younger can help you live longer

Healthy diet, regular exercise, and social connection are all important factors for staying healthy as we age, but your outlook on ageing can also influence how we feel in our older years. A new study from the German Centre of Gerontology finds that simply feeling and acting younger can combat the Read More...

Why you should still set goals

Why you should still set goals for 2021

Remember what it felt like to make plans—ones that didn’t fall through the cracks due to ever-changing restrictions? Even if most of us had our dreams and plans dashed in 2020, the new year is just around the corner, offering a chance to restart and make new plans or set new goals. Yes, Read More...

Feel like you’re losing

Feel like you're losing control? Try focusing on these three things

At a time when the world feels like it’s spiraling out of control, it’s hard to retain our sense of individual purpose. It’s easy to feel like our actions are insignificant in the vastness of the globe and its problems, but honing in on these three things we still control is a great solution Read More...

Yes and people"'Yes,

Yes and people"'Yes,and' people invent the airplane;'yes,but' people invent the parachute"

According to bestselling author Berthold Gunster, saying "yes, and" rather than "yes, but" is the key to creativity and innovation. HetkanWel | July/August 2010   “Picture this: You have a good idea and the only thing you hear are ‘yes, but’s. ‘Yes, but that didn’t work before Read More...