Today’s Solutions: January 15, 2025

Scotch Whiskey

Edible QR code spots fake whiskey and medicine

There is an elaborate tradition and art that goes into making certain scotches. The recipes of some highland single malts have been passed down through families for generations, and connoisseurs can pay a lot for these unique, peaty spirits.  Not surprisingly, counterfeiters are looking to cash Read More...

Finding the courage to be conf

Finding the courage to be confident: A peek inside "Dare to Own You"

"Just because you have a voice and can speak, does not necessarily mean you are being heard; find your voice." - Liz Brunner In 2021 people were quitting their jobs at an unprecedented rate.  The media had fun creating phrases like "the Great Resignation" and "the Big Quit" to characterize the Read More...

How to become your authentic s

How to become your authentic self, according to an expert

In a digital world full of curated profiles and face filters, people are now trying to emphasize their authenticity—meaning that outward actions and behavior reflect your true internal feelings. The conclusion is that you must always embrace your natural inclinations and express your “true Read More...