Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Top down interceptor of rubbish extractor at Sungai Klang.

These solar-powered barges can scoop up 50 tons of plastic from rivers each day

While removing the plastic waste that currently contaminates the ocean today will be crucial for protecting marine ecosystems, it is arguably more important that we stop any more plastic trash from entering the ocean. Fortunately for humanity, The Ocean Cleanup, a nonprofit taking on plastic waste Read More...

These sunglasses are made of p

These sunglasses are made of plastic waste from the Ocean Cleanup project

The promise of the Ocean Cleanup project was that it would not only help clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but also recycle the plastic so it doesn’t become waste again. Now, one year after collecting its first load of plastic waste, the nonprofit unveiled its first ocean plastic product: Read More...

The Ocean Cleanup device has r

The Ocean Cleanup device has returned with its first load of plastic

After months of research, failures, and reconfigurations, and weeks spent at sea traveling to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and back, The Ocean Cleanup’s device—a 2,000 foot-long floating tube that skims the surface of the water to catch plastic trash—has returned to shore. And with it, Read More...

The Ocean Cleanup is successfu

The Ocean Cleanup is successfully capturing plastic for the first time

A huge floating device designed by Boyan Slat and a team of Dutch scientists to clean up an island of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean that is three times the size of France has successfully picked up plastic from the high seas for the first time. Slat, who first unveiled his idea for the Ocean Read More...

Ocean Optimism: Seeing Opportu

Ocean Optimism: Seeing Opportunities in the Challenges

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Imagine you’re an idealistic teenager, snorkeling in a warm salty sea, seeing the ocean floor for the first time.  Sure, you see the colorful parrotfish and rainbow wrasse, the swaying anemones and bony urchins, but nowadays you also see floating baggies, a Read More...