Today’s Solutions: January 23, 2025
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Happy couple, woman wearing blue shirt, driving in car and girl singing song, enjoy tavel by auto

There are special regions for singing in the brain

Music is a magical thing. There are many proven benefits to the power of music, from its synchronizing power to create bonds with the people around you, to allowing autistic children to communicate their emotions, and even easing menopause. What's going on in our heads when we listen to music is Read More...

Vitamin D sun mental health

How vitamin D promotes brain health and better moods

Recently, vitamin D has been a hot topic for The Optimist Daily. We’ve shared a lot of stories about this important vitamin, from how to figure out if your body needs more of it (spoiler: it probably does!) to debunking common myths about it.  So far, we’ve focused a lot on how vitamin D Read More...

Image of how ultrasound waves targeting the brain in a non-invasive sonogenetic technique.

Did you know brain cells can be controlled with sound?

“Going wireless is the future for just about everything!” That is a quote from scientist Sreekanth Chalasani, and we can’t help but agree. Wireless medical inventions like bone-health monitors and pacemakers are catching on, as well as the possibility of universal car chargers. We also Read More...

Michel Roccati, patient who recieved spinal implant and who is able to walk with frame.

Man with severed spine walks again thanks to new implant

In 2020, scientists created a device that gives paralyzed people the ability to speak via brain signals. This time, they’ve one-upped themselves, creating technology that has allowed a man with a completely severed spinal cord to walk and swim again! This breakthrough study, published in Read More...

Human brain with dna. 3d illustration.

Genetically atlasing the human brain helps understand its shape

The human brain is a wonderfully complex supercomputer. Therefore, science still has a long way to go to fully understand its mysterious ways. Though, a genetic study, published in Science, has brought us one step closer to figuring out what is going on in regards to how the brain is Read More...

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in an aquarium.

Zebrafish brains reveal new information about our memories

It seems like we're writing about fish a whole lot lately! Last week, we featured an article about goldfish learning to drive. This week, zebrafish, a species studied for their relatively long lifespans, are helping us understand how memories are made! Let's talk synapses! Signals in the brain Read More...

Family completing a jigsaw together while lying on the floor at home

Jigsaw puzzles: A hobby that's great for your brain

In our ever increasing digital society, puzzling is the perfect activity to unplug and improve your mental and physical wellbeing. If you’re looking for some motivation to start a puzzle, whether it’s 20, 250 or 1000 pieces, here are six benefits of doing them. Simultaneous exercise for your Read More...

Crowded room full of people.

How we recognize one voice in a noisy crowd

Whether we’re at a busy restaurant, birthday party, or on public transport, sometimes our brain needs to focus on a single speaker amongst a multitude of background noise. A group of scientists from the University of Rochester Medical Center, wanted to see exactly how our incredible organ Read More...

Teenager listening to music and moving around in front of purple background.

This is your brain on music

Music does something to humans like no other animal. The rhythm gets inside our bodies and we can’t help but move along with the bass, or sing our heart out to that catchy chorus. Scientists from the University of Tokyo wanted to uncover exactly what is going on in our brain to cause this Read More...

Young woman exercising following instructions on screen

This simple exercise can improve your brain power

If squats are part of your daily routine, then we have good news for you! Doing just a few minutes of this resistance exercise can go a long way towards improving your brain power and making you smarter, according to recent research. Squats are often used by fitness trainers to improve strength Read More...