Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

A stethoscope and blue asthma inhaler isolated on white background.

"Dramatic" success in clinical trials of asthma treatment

According to the AAFA, around 25 million people in the U.S. have asthma, about one in every 13 people. This long-term disease causes swelling and inflammation of the airways, resulting in restriction and discomfort when breathing or even death in some severe cases. Currently, there is no cure for Read More...

African american man relaxing after work breathing fresh air sitting at home office desk with laptop, black relaxed entrepreneur meditating with eyes closed for increasing productivity at workplace.

Simple desk meditation exercises to help you de-stress at work

Stress manifests itself differently in all of us. Some of us have stomach pains, others headaches. Or maybe your shoulders tense up when you’re under pressure. An office is a place of peak stress for many people, but simple mindfulness techniques can help you take stock of your stress levels and Read More...

young Black man stretches and breathes outside

Why is parasympathetic breathing so calming and how do I do it?

Do you find your mind racing when you feel overwhelmed or stressed out? A simple exhale-focused breathing exercise can help you soothe your nervous system, calm your body, and still your mind. Why is this type of breathing so calming? In times of stress, your sympathetic nervous system triggers Read More...

Woman in a blue shirt hugging a yellow pillow on a grey couch.

This breathing cushion could ease your anxiety

Just reading the news, you might occasionally feel your anxiety rise. That’s why The Optimist Daily exists, to counter all this worry by refocusing your worldview on the good that’s going on. As we’ve shown again and again, there is a lot! We are not the only ones battling for people’s Read More...

Research shows breathing exerc

Research shows breathing exercise can do wonders for your blood pressure

We all know that cardiovascular exercise can help lower blood pressure, but did you know that breathing exercises can offer the same benefits? A study from the Journal of American Heart Association found that a strategic five-minute breathing exercise is as effective as medication or exercise for Read More...

Yoga and breathing exercises h

Yoga and breathing exercises help kids with ADHD stay focused

While prescription medications are often the go-to solution for treating ADHD symptoms in children, a recent study from scientists in Russia shows that yoga and deep breathing exercises may just do the trick too. As part of the research, psychologists at Ural Federal University (UrFU) studied 16 Read More...

Calm your election stress with

Calm your election stress with this simple breathing exercise

If the elections have you feeling anxious, we have a simple yet powerful way to feel calmer: intentional breathing. Most of us don’t pay much attention to how we breathe, because it happens automatically, but the fact of the matter is that we should be more mindful of how we breathe. As James Read More...

Breath test detects 80 percent

Breath test detects 80 percent of cancer cases in first trials

Scientists in Australia have developed a special breath test that can quickly detect head and neck cancers with a high degree of accuracy. Around the world, head and neck cancers account for six percent of all cancers and kill around 300,000 people. Treatments can be effective, but that’s only Read More...

7 simple ways to fit meditatio

7 simple ways to fit meditation into your busy schedule

Even if it feels like you don’t have a second to spare, the truth is that there’s always time to meditate. It just requires you to start letting go of ideas of what meditation “must” or “should” be like and learn ways to make it work for you. Yes, meditation can be sitting in powerful Read More...

Here’s how breathing exercis

Here’s how breathing exercises can boost your COVID-19 resilience

If you’ve ever followed a yoga or meditation breathing sequence, you were likely told to breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. This isn’t just to get you to focus on your breath more; it actually delivers more nitric oxide to your blood, which is beneficial for your Read More...