Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

two men hold hands

Britain to wipe past conviction of consensual same-sex activity

In a news release published earlier last week, the British Home Office announced that any individual who has been convicted of consensual same-sex sexual activity under abolished laws in England and Wales will soon be able to have those records wiped. “It is only right that where offenses have Read More...


More on beavers and rewilding

We decided to dust off and update this innovative solution to restoring habitats with the most industrious aquatic mammal: beavers.  At The Optimist Daily, we’ve written a great deal about the benefits beavers bring to their environment and the importance of restoring their populations in Read More...

father and son look at phone while grocery shopping

NHS app helps UK families curb the record rise in childhood obesity

Since the beginning of the pandemic, surveys show that parents in the UK have been allowing their children to snack on more unhealthy food, which likely contributes to the record rise in obesity among 10- to 11-year-olds across the nation. Other factors include lockdowns, school closures, and Read More...

One of Britain’s rarest butt

One of Britain’s rarest butterfly species bounces back from near extinction

Ten years ago, a butterfly called the Duke of Burgundy was listed as Britain’s rarest, with the species hurtling towards extinction. Thanks to wildlife-friendly farms, however, the population of the small butterfly has now bounced back, with the number surging by 25 percent over the last Read More...

COVID-19 lockdown: Cleaner air

COVID-19 lockdown: Cleaner air in UK relieves asthma symptoms for millions

Reduced human activity during the coronavirus lockdown doesn’t just make for cleaner skies. According to the British Lung Foundation, the lockdown has led two million people in the UK with respiratory conditions, such as asthma, to experience reduced symptoms. A survey, by the charity, of Read More...

Britain to invest $2.5 billion

Britain to invest $2.5 billion into cycling and walking after pandemic

The UK is viewing the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to reduce crowding on public transport and gridlock on roads. To do this, the UK has announced a £2 billion ($2.5 billion) package to put cycling and walking “at the heart of” Britain’s post-coronavirus transportation Read More...

Britain has now gone over 18 d

Britain has now gone over 18 days without using coal energy

Coal’s daily share of Britain’s power has faded away rapidly over the past few years. Whereas coal produced at least 50 percent of Britain’s energy most days of the year in 2012, coal has hardly contributed to the grid this year. In fact, the UK has gone without coal-fired power generation Read More...

How AI-powered weather forecas

How AI-powered weather forecast is making Britain’s energy grid more efficient

Knowing how much power will be flowing into the grid on any given day is becoming increasingly crucial as the proportion of intermittent renewable power serving the grid goes up. And when we talk about intermittent power, we’re talking about the fact that renewable power can’t be stored en Read More...

For the first time in 150 year

For the first time in 150 years, Britain went an entire week without burning coal

The last time Britain went a week without coal was in 1882 when the first coal-fired plant opened in London. Since then, coal has been burned nearly every day to produce electricity for the country, serving as the nation’s main source of energy for a long, long time. But on May 1, nearly 150 Read More...