Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Canada’s landmark move t

Canada's landmark move toward free contraception

On Saturday, March 30th, in a historic step toward improving women's health, Canada unveiled a breakthrough effort to provide free contraception to all women of reproductive age. During a press conference in Toronto, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland emphasized the government's commitment to Read More...


Canada outlines plan to ban single-use plastic

Canada has now become a world leader in environmental policy. On Monday, it laid out its final plans and regulations on how it intends to ban single-use plastics.  Federal health minister Jean-Yves Duclos said the country recycles “only 8 percent of the plastic [Canada] throws away” and Read More...

4 things that keep Canadian tr

4 things that keep Canadian traffic fatalities lower than the US

While traffic-related fatalities increased in the United States by 19 percent between 2010 and 2020, Canadian rates declined by about the same amount in that time. Many consider Canada culturally very similar to the US, but when it comes to traffic safety, they have more European attitudes. Here Read More...

Person slapping mosquito on their shoulder at the pool

Don’t toss that dead mosquito! Mail it to this scientist instead

It may sound like a strange request, but Canadian scientist Dan Peach is asking people to send him dead mosquitos via post. Each squished bugger, argues Peach, can provide useful insights as he explores exactly how far mosquitos are traveling as a result of global warming. Climate change and Read More...


Mummified mammoth accidentally discovered in northern Canada

Paleontology and archaeology can sometimes get a helping hand in unexpected places. A gold miner in Northern Canada was digging through the permafrost and stumbled across a mummified baby wooly mammoth.  Grant Zazula, paleontologist for the Canadian territory of the Yukon said the Read More...

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada announces legislation to freeze handgun sales

In response to the frequent and horrific mass shootings that are plaguing the United States, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced new legislation to tighten gun control laws in Canada. The new bill will make it illegal for Canadians to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns Read More...

British Columbia

British Columbia decriminalizes small amounts of drugs to reduce deaths

Opioid-related deaths linked to fentanyl have more than doubled in Canada over the last five years. British Columbia has been one the hardest-hit regions, with deaths spiking during the Pandemic, and has asked for federal permission to decriminalize drugs.  The government is now launching an Read More...

Two people canoeing in Banff National Park in Canada

Canadian doctors are now prescribing patients "time in nature"

Here at The Optimist Daily, we’ve shared countless stories on the benefits of spending time in nature on many levels—emotionally, physically, and mentally. Well, health care providers in four Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario) are taking these findings Read More...

sweaty athletic man smiles directly into camera

Bid dry itchy eyes goodbye with regular exercise

There are plenty of reasons to practice regular exercise, but in case you’re still not convinced, scientists at the University of Waterloo in Canada have discovered one more: ocular health. The new study focuses on what’s known as tear film, the protective layer that stops dust, dirt, and Read More...

Young LGBTQ woman walks through crowd

Canada fast-tracks bill to ban conversion therapy

A bill that would ban the practice of conversion therapy in Canada has been unanimously adopted by the House of Commons, fast tracking it for approval by the Senate. Bill C-4 bans the practice of conversion therapy, which is a harmful attempt to change an individual’s sexual or gender Read More...