Well, one thing we know for sure at The Optimist Daily is that folks love their houseplants. A remarkable and entertaining note from our team is that this past four months almost ALL of our houseplant articles have gone viral. So, we are going to go with the flow and dig a little deeper into the Read More...
“There is no solution with a war on anything, including a war on ignorance, which is what is happening right now. It's a display of insanity and ignorance. You can't fight that. You see, what you have to do is come up with creative solutions and creative solutions are already existing in the Read More...
Philosopher Ken Wilber says that to solve the world’s problems, we need to take a more integral approach by changing the way we communicate our message across cultures. Jurriaan Kamp | April 2009 issue Ken Wilber’s mission is simple: to make sense of our times—to explain what we need to do Read More...
Physicist-turned-futurist Peter Russell argues that only communal creativity can get us through current environmental and economic crises. Michael Shapiro | March 2009 issue Peter Russell, a Cambridge-trained physicist and futurist who has written about consciousness for four decades, should have Read More...