Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Doing these simple things will

Doing these simple things will make you happier than buying stuff this Monday

More than 165 million Americans plan to shop over the holiday weekend from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday. But have you considered . . . doing something else? Research suggests that your experiences—like hiking or having a meal with friends—are ultimately more satisfying than possessions. With Read More...

Are we entering the era of the

Are we entering the era of the post-consumer?

One of the key things we learned from the UN’s latest report on climate change is that to successfully limit global warming to 1.5C, people must start making changes in their lifestyle. The good news is that many millennials are doing so already by not following the typical consumerist behavior Read More...

Teach your kids to be consumer

Teach your kids to be consumer conscious

In this issue, Leah Dobkin, mother of three teens, writes about losing control of her kids to corporate America, a fear many parents share. Find tips on how to regain control by teaching your kids about advertising and consumerism. | April 2008 issue It is estimated that children in this nation Read More...

Childhood unplugged

Childhood unplugged

My struggle to save my kids from consumer culture. Leah Dobkin | April 2008 issue A war is raging between parents trying to raise children and corporate America trying to raise customers. As a parent of three children, I think I'm losing, or at least losing my mind. I've tried to educate my Read More...