Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Crime survivors are turning pa

Crime survivors are turning pain into power to reimagine the justice system

Does a criminal justice system that prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation perpetuate a cycle of violence and inequality? The Alliance for Safety and Justice, a national group of crime survivors, thinks so. America's criminal justice system is one of the most obvious displays of pervasive Read More...

Join my gang

Join my gang

Nelsa Curbelo, a 66-year-old former nun and schoolteacher, took on the toughest young criminals in Ecuador’s most violent city—and won them over with love. Hilary Hart | June 2008 issue In the city of Guayaquil in southern Ecuador, Latin pop music blares through the doorway of a Read More...

Life on the inside

Life on the inside

A bold project at San Quentin teaches prisoners to confront the feelings that drove them to crime. Tijn Touber and Helene de Puy | October 2007 issue When she comes in, the room is full of prisoners—many of them doing time for murder, many already having served 25 years or more. She’s very Read More...