Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Representation of drug discovery process in laboratories, pink and blue liquid on top of chemical structures next to petri dish of multi-colored pills.

Scientists create "game-changing" synthetic antibiotics

Antibiotic resistant bacteria have been looming over humans for decades, with a predicted 10 million deaths in 2050 if we don't find a solution. There are multiple methods being tested to fight drug resistant bacteria such as bacteriophage therapy and antivitamins. A pioneering approach  A new Read More...

Cone snail shows its snout and eye as it makes its way across a reef.

Deep sea snail venom lessens pain as well as morphine

Because Asprella cone snails reside at such great depths, scientists have not thoroughly studied them. Now we know, though, that these creatures have an impressive hunting strategery where they use their venom to stun and disorient fish. Then they feast upon the unfortunate fish, like a gory scene Read More...

Scientists wear blue gloves hold the molecular structure model will provide 3D arrangement of the atoms at chemistry laboratory for drug design.

Infrared light can discern the safety of "twisted" drugs

Did you know that molecules twist? Certain drugs and supplements indicate which way the molecules in the product twist, with an L or a D before the names, indicating either a twist clockwise or counterclockwise. There is usually a specific kind of twist the human body wants depending on the Read More...

Illustration of the Bacteriophage Virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium.

This could be the start of the end for drug-resistant bacteria

The increasing occurrence of drug-resistant bacteria is a huge obstacle humans have to overcome to save lives across the globe. Researchers have done all they can to be prepared against this challenge, such as creating a model which calculates the chance of resistance against different drug Read More...

New drug shows promise in panc

New drug shows promise in pancreatic and breast cancer treatment

Researchers studying potential treatments for pancreatic and triple-negative breast cancers have reported that they may be on track to a promising therapy with the development of a new drug called ProAgio.  The team from Georgia State University created ProAgio with help from the structure of a Read More...

Drug “personalities” new m

Drug “personalities” new marketing strategy

With the prescription drug market expected to exceed $1.3 trillion worldwide by 2018, this new strategy is hoped to help maximize profits from existing brands. The United States is unusual in its policy to allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to consumers—in most countries the Read More...