Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Scientist in white lab coat pointing at brain signals.

Study: Animals respond to speech the same way as humans

The brain’s response to sound is termed “frequency-following responses”, or FFRs. Clinicians use these as an assessor of hearing and speech capacity, helping them diagnose language disorders such as autism and dyslexia. FFR tests consist of a participant being played different sounds, with Read More...

This lamp is designed to help

This lamp is designed to help people with dyslexia read better

The precise causes of dyslexia remain a mystery, though research out of France two years ago suggests the condition occurs when someone has two dominant eyes, rather than the usual one. This means letters appear mirrored or blurred, making it difficult to read.  Based upon this research, a Read More...

The parents of dyslexic childr

The parents of dyslexic children are transforming the way schools teach reading

The reading proficiency of kids in America is shockingly low. Apparently, less than 40 percent of fourth and eighth-grade students nationwide are proficient readers—and the blame lies on flawed methods of teaching reading in our education systems where kids are taught simply the letters and the Read More...

Your brain is a rain forest

Your brain is a rain forest

People with conditions like ADHD, dyslexia and mood disorders are routinely labeled "disabled". But differences among brains are as enriching—and essential—as differences among plants and animals. Welcome to the new field of neurodiversity. Thomas Armstrong | April/May 2010 issue Imagine for a Read More...