Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

Lester Brown's plan to st

Lester Brown's plan to stop climate change

Pioneering environmentalist Lester Brown has a plan to stop climate change, and save civilization in the process. Marco Visscher | June/July 2009 issue Lester Brown has always been skilled at taking the lay of the land. As a teenager, he grew tomatoes in New Jersey and went on to earn a degree in Read More...

The altruism in economics: Get

The altruism in economics: Getting to the heart of money

Standard economic theory states that people are interested only in their own material gain. But new insights from behavioral economics show that altruism rather than avarice is our primary motivation. Jeremy Mercer | May 2009 issue [caption id="attachment_69636" align="alignleft" width="280"] Read More...

A new form of currency could h

A new form of currency could help us in economic crisis

How a complementary currency helped save Switzerland from economic ruin in the 1940s—and could do the same for us today. Bernard Lietaerl | April 2009 issue The travails of the banking crisis have been front-page news for months, and the biggest bailout in human history is underway. However, the Read More...

Six recession-proof steps to b

Six recession-proof steps to becoming a natural entrepreneur

This economic crisis may be just the push you need to find the career of your dreams. Dave Pollard | April 2009 issue The economic news is the worst in at least a generation. What most people have done is cut personal spending, put off major purchases and try to pay off debts from the boom times. Read More...

Four steps to financial sanity

Four steps to financial sanity

Four things President Obama could do to create a sense of social responsibility in the financial markets. Amy Domini | April 2009 issue Barack Obama has taken office at a critical time in U.S. history. We’re fighting two wars and facing what the new U.S. President and others have called the Read More...

Social entrepreneurs go mainst

Social entrepreneurs go mainstream

Never let a crisis go to waste. Social entrepreneurs take this economic upheaval to be a blessing, providing a chance for business to transition from an anonymous, complex system to one that is direct and transparent. Andrew Tolve | March 2009 issue In the wake of the 2008 financial flameout, Read More...

Submit a question for Peter Ru

Submit a question for Peter Russell

Peter Russell is a physicist-turned-futurist who has written several books on science, spirituality, and the possibility of change through increased communication and collective consciousness. He has held workshops with corporate leaders about becoming more environmentally responsible, more Read More...

Interview with Steve Croth and

Interview with Steve Croth and Mark Bachman, Better the World

While economic upheaval has caused many businesses to fail, Ode has interviewed several entrepreneurs who have found ways to thrive and remain focused on positive social change. We interviewed them about their companies, how they view the current economic situation, how they define success, and how Read More...

A different kind of home secur

A different kind of home security

Community financial institutions can help take the edge off the credit crisis. Amy Domini | November 2008 issue While its influence has touched the world, the financial crisis created by subprime mortgage ­lending has its roots firmly planted in the U.S. Because the crisis serves as a warning to Read More...