Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Volvo repurposing old electric

Volvo repurposing old electric bus batteries for energy storage

While electric vehicles are certainly greener than their gas-guzzling counterparts, the environmental benefits of owning an electric car, go to waste if EV batteries aren’t properly disposed of or repurposed. Battery waste is toxic waste, and the more EVs are driven, the more used batteries we Read More...

City buses are electrifying fa

City buses are electrifying faster than any other conventional vehicle

Although it looks as if the era of fossil-fuel powered cars has peaked, it will still be a number of years until these cars are off our roadways completely, with 2050 being estimated as the year electric cars take over for good. But there’s one type of conventional vehicle that is phasing out Read More...

China’s huge electric bus fl

China’s huge electric bus fleet is paying off, both socially and environmentally

Making transportation greener has been a central theme to today's Optimist Daily. We've had a story on cargo ships, another on planes, and now another about electric busses. According to research, electric buses alone will save an astounding 270,000 barrels of diesel demand in 2019 – every single Read More...