Today’s Solutions: October 11, 2024

Make mine a co-op

Make mine a co-op

Joining a cooperative is one small step toward bringing locally sourced and organic groceries to your community - and one giant step toward food activism. Ursula Sautter | September 2010 issue At first, the task seemed impossible. Get 2,000 people, mostly strangers, to give $200 each to support a Read More...

The altruism in economics: Get

The altruism in economics: Getting to the heart of money

Standard economic theory states that people are interested only in their own material gain. But new insights from behavioral economics show that altruism rather than avarice is our primary motivation. Jeremy Mercer | May 2009 issue [caption id="attachment_69636" align="alignleft" width="280"] Read More...

How to cut costs and keep your

How to cut costs and keep your employees

When the threat of job loss looms, many employers find they have a heart. Carmel Wroth | May 2009 issue Like any CEO in this economic climate, Paul Levy, who runs Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, had to find a way to cut costs. He didn’t want to lay people off, so he did something Read More...

Susan Davis: Accelerating grow

Susan Davis: Accelerating growth in social investing

Hazel Henderson, president and founder of Ethical Markets Media, nominates Susan Davis as a true female activist forging her way to a new green economy. Hazel Henderson | Jan/Feb 2009 issue Susan Davis, president of Capital Missions, has been working in the trenches of our dysfunctional capital Read More...