Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Toni Morrison the Bluest Eye

A victory for free speech: Toni Morrisson’s The Bluest Eye unbanned

Last month, the board of the Wentzville School District of St. Louis, Missouri voted to ban Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison’s novel, The Bluest Eye from school libraries. This came after a handful of parents requested the book be banned, citing themes of racism and child abuse.  Now, after a Read More...

Answers to commonly asked ques

Answers to commonly asked questions about rights of protestors

The First Amendment guarantees the right of all Americans to protest peacefully, but many of us still have questions about what our specific rights are at these protests. If you plan on taking part in protests, here are some most common questions answered by Timothy Zick, a professor of Government Read More...

Wyoming court rules against la

Wyoming court rules against law that targeted scientific data-gathering

A Wyoming court has ruled the controversial Data Trespass Law as unconstitutional because it violates free speech, a right protected by the First Amendment. Critics of the law have argued that the law would silence whistle-blowers who expose public land management issues, particularly malpractice Read More...