Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

three dolphins looking into the camera

Marine biologists come up with effective low-tech solution to bycatch

Bycatch, which is the accidental capture of non-target species such as dolphins, marine turtles, and seabirds, is a pervasive problem in the fishing industry. Thousands of whales, dolphins, and porpoises drown from getting entangled in nets and lobster potlines every year. The problem is that Read More...

Snow Cone the North Atlantic right whale tangled in fishing gear next to her calf

Resilient North Atlantic right whale gives birth while entangled in fishing gear

It’s no secret that improperly discarded fishing gear is one of the biggest threats to the lives of many aquatic creatures. Fortunately, a mother North Atlantic right whale, a species that is critically endangered, was miraculously able to give birth to a calf even while chronically entangled in Read More...