Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

7 Alternatives to conventional

7 Alternatives to conventional traditions for a progressive wedding

The pandemic forced many couples to postpone their wedding plans, but as we continue to adjust to life with Covid-19, some weddings are back on track. Marriage dynamics have evolved in recent decades to accommodate shifting gender roles and more progressive, feminist perspectives, however, the Read More...

Shared domestic work offered m

Shared domestic work offered more job security for women during pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has especially affected mothers and caregivers, as the loss of childcare options and in-person schooling, combined with the lack of adequate policies providing paid leave and job flexibility forces them to put their careers on the back burner to be there for their Read More...

Burial site shows men were not

Burial site shows men were not always the hunters in prehistoric society

Traditional assumptions about prehistoric society placed males in hunting roles and women as gatherers. A new study from the University of California, Davis upends this archaeological thinking with the discovery of what looks like the remains of a 9,000 year old female hunter found in the Andean Read More...