Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Electric vehicle charging home

What if you could power your home with your car?

One of the things we find reassuring about electric cars — besides the fact that they produce fewer emissions and don’t hurt our planet nearly as much — is the idea that we could charge one from our very own homes instead of having to drive to a gas station. What if it worked the other Read More...

Electric car charging with digital dashboard next to it

GM’s new Li-metal batteries nearly double the capacity of lithium-ion cells

Back in January 2021, General Motors (GM) announced that it will only produce electric vehicles by 2035. If such an announcement from America’s biggest automaker wasn’t encouraging enough for the transition to electric vehicles in the US, GM has followed it up with another big announcement Read More...

GM launches all-electric deliv

GM launches all-electric delivery fleet for a greener e-commerce future

The pandemic has created a boom in the already exploding e-commerce industry. People are ordering goods online more than ever before, but delivering those goods is a carbon-intensive process. General Motors has launched a new line of all-electric products to help make e-commerce Read More...

General Motors is adding elect

General Motors is adding electric bikes to their line of products

As part of its goal to reduce and eventually eliminate carbon emissions, General Motors will start selling its own electric bikes as soon as 2019. The car company is introducing two models, one foldable and one compact, which are designed for urban commuting. The electric assist on the bike will Read More...

General Motors will soon use w

General Motors will soon use wind power to build pickups and SUVs

General Motors' largest gasoline-burning vehicles — pickups and full-size SUVs — will soon be built, ironically, at plants powered by wind, not fuel.  GM wants to power all its global facilities with 100-percent renewable energy by Read More...