Today’s Solutions: October 22, 2024
Home » GPS

The design of the underwater autonomous drone Seasam.

Seasam drone improves underwater research and documentation

Humans have invented various autonomous underwater drones for scientific purposes and more. Some examples include the AutonomousRiver Cleaner (ARC) that uses bubbles and AI to clear plastic from rivers, or MERMAIDs which deep-sea dive to explore the ocean floor. There’s now a new drone in town Read More...

Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris) Adult Female hawling out during molting season. Año Nuevo State Reserve, Pescadero, California, USA.

Study shows female elephant seals have built-in GPS

Most of the year pregnant female elephant seals are journeying 10,000 kilometers for 240 days across the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. This trek is not only long and has to be perfectly timed so the mothers can give birth within five days of their arrival to the breeding beaches at Año Nuevo Read More...

Scientists develop battery-les

Scientists develop battery-less underwater GPS system powered by sound

While we often use GPS systems to navigate unknown areas on land, GPS is not an option for underwater vehicles such as submarines. That’s because water impedes and scatters the radio waves GPS depends on, which is why submarines rely on sonar rather than radar to probe their surroundings. Read More...