Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Mongolia signs historic climat

Mongolia signs historic climate finance deal to protect grasslands

Mongolia's government and a coalition of partners signed a pioneering nature financing deal, marking a watershed moment in environmental protection. This historic agreement seeks to protect 35.6 million acres of the country's pristine lands and rivers, including the world's last vast swath of Read More...

Brandt’s vole standing on hindlegs between the grass of the Mongolian grasslands.

To watch out for predators, voles trim the grass around them

Here at The Optimist Daily, we commonly report on new ecological findings from animals all around the world. The more scientists uncover about the behavior and lives of the creatures we share the world with the better able we are to help them. Whether that’s uncovering snow monkeys incredible Read More...

Canada to dedicate over C$25 m

Canada to dedicate over C$25 million to conserve wetlands

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Canada has announced more than C$25 million in funding to conserve, restore, and enhance wetlands and grasslands in the Prairie provinces. This initiative could conserve up to 30,000 hectares of wetlands, grasslands, and riparian areas, on top of Read More...

Apple partners with Conservati

Apple partners with Conservation International to restore degraded grasslands in Africa

Despite growing interest in the potential of forests and other ecosystems to help address global warming, conservation organizations are still struggling to find the money to fund these natural solutions to climate change. In a bid to ease these efforts, Apple has recently partnered up with Read More...

Grasslands more reliable carbo

Grasslands more reliable carbon sink than trees

Forests have long served as a critical carbon sink, consuming about a quarter of the carbon dioxide pollution produced by humans worldwide. But decades of fire suppression, warming temperatures and drought have increased wildfire risks — turning California’s forests from carbon sinks to carbon Read More...