Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Los Angeles just announced its

Los Angeles just announced its own Green New Deal

Los Angeles has big plans to clean up its smoggy, traffic-filled image. This week, while Congress is only discussing the Green New Deal, Los Angeles is announcing a version of their own—an ambitious plan to transform itself in order to tackle climate change. Under the plan, LA plans to run on 55 Read More...

Why the Green New Deal can hel

Why the Green New Deal can help to fix economic inequality in America

The much-hyped Green New Deal, which laid out the broad strokes of a U.S. transition to green energy by 2030, failed in Congress. But its champions haven’t given up. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and other like-minded legislators are working on a series of smaller bills Read More...

New York City is getting ready

New York City is getting ready to ban new glass skyscrapers

The glass skyscraper was once a symbol of America’s mighty economic power. Perhaps it still is, but to many people nowadays, the glass skyscraper is the epitome of unsustainable architecture. Glass skyscrapers are incredibly inefficient because of all the heat that escapes through the windows, Read More...

These 6 places are way ahead o

These 6 places are way ahead of the Green New Deal in decarbonizing buildings

One of the elements of the Green New Deal resolution that has caused the most consternation among critics on the right is its aspiration toward “upgrading all existing buildings in the United States,” along with building new buildings to the highest energy standards. Senate leader Mitch Read More...

The Green New Deal is pushing

The Green New Deal is pushing to secure greater rights for indigenous people

We’ve been talking a whole bunch about the Green New Deal on the Optimist Daily, and for good reason: it finally brings forth a feasible plan that addresses a multitude of key issues from clean energy to wealth inequality. For example, the Green New Deal includes a powerful provision to protect Read More...

California could soon provide

California could soon provide the blueprint for how to decarbonize buildings

When it comes to reducing carbon emissions, electric cars and solar panels always steal the spotlight. But there is another major thing that flies under the radar that must be addressed if we want to tackle climate change: buildings. As the Green New Deal acknowledges, buildings are responsible for Read More...

The Green New Deal wants to br

The Green New Deal wants to bring high-speed trains to America

In many countries around the world, high-speed trains compete with planes in terms of time and costs, providing passengers with a quick, comfortable journey from point A to point B. That’s not the case in America. The United States has only one train that can technically be called a high-speed Read More...

The Green New Deal sounds grea

The Green New Deal sounds great, but what is it actually?

While the Green New Deal resolution has been floating around in the media for the past week or two, the actual details of the deal have been obscure at best. Now a leaked copy has emerged online, and the contents reveal a plan that could thread the needle between a number of serious problems, from Read More...

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s pl

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s plan to fight climate change enjoys broad support

According to a new poll, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s plan to cut down carbon emissions in efforts to tackle climate change is supported by as much as 81 percent of the respondents. The Green New Deal is a set of aspirational goals in line with the best available climate science. Among those goals Read More...