Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024

Seals reveal that the River Th

Seals reveal that the River Thames is healthier than people think

Despite the brown color of London's River Thames, marine biologists are happy to report that the river is actually healthier than people think. In the 1950s, researchers had proclaimed the river “biologically dead,” but these days, the stable seal population suggests that the river is Read More...

English nature reserve expects

English nature reserve expects a record-breaking year for seal pup births

Back in 1988, the Blakeney Nature Reserve in Norfolk, England, recorded the first birth of a grey seal pup. Since then, the reserve has become England’s largest seal colony, with a total of 3,399 pups born there just last year. When compared to the grand total of 25 pups born there in 2001, you Read More...