Even if your morning routine is already jam-packed, we have one tiny thing we suggest you add to that routine: drinking a cup of lemon water. For something that hardly takes any effort to do, it’s amazing just how many ways a bit of lemon water in the morning can make you healthier. Below, Read More...
Is your second cup of coffee barely pulling you through the morning? If you’re feeling perpetually tired, you could need to make some changes to your sleep or lifestyle habits, or maybe both. Here are some ideas for jumpstarting your energy levels. 1. Revamp your bedtime More than 1 in 3 US Read More...
Caffeine isn’t the only way for your body to summon an extra boost of energy. According to integrative neurologist Ilene Ruhoy, there are a lot of plant-based foods you can eat that have a “high consumption of compounds that enhance energy production of cells.” Below, you’ll find a list Read More...
Sometimes we get woken up in the middle of the night for a moment, only to fall back into our slumber effortlessly. But other times that little wake-up can keep you up all night rolling around in bed till the wee hours of the morning. If you find yourself feeling sleepless at night, try out Read More...
Enjoying a cup of coffee while reading this? If so, you might want to consider exercising 30 minutes from now. In a small study in Spain, researchers found that drinking a strong cup of coffee half an hour before aerobic exercise can significantly boost the body’s rate of burning fat, something Read More...
When it comes to diet, we tend to focus solely on the types of foods we eat, but if you ask functional nutritionist Deanna Minich, Ph.D., she will tell you the size of your food is also very important. In a recent podcast for mindbodygreen, Minich explained that smaller plant-based foods can Read More...
It’s easy to set the ambitious goal of waking up earlier, but the actual act of waking up is a whole different story. If you find it difficult to rise and shine in the morning, here are some tips to make it easier. Move the alarm goal: When your alarm clock is within arm’s reach of your bed, Read More...
In a recent podcast featured on mindbodygreen, longevity expert Gil Blander, Ph.D. was speaking about nutrient deficiencies when he was asked: Are there any underrated nutrients we're still missing? To this question, Blander responded: “I was surprised to see how often premenopausal women, Read More...
These days, more and more athletes are switching to a plant-based diet—and for good reason. There are many pros that come with avoiding animal-based products and opting for plant-based foods that lower inflammation and boost performance. Below, you’ll find 5 ways an athlete can benefit from Read More...
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, oftentimes people believe they will be happier if they changed the way their body looks through weight loss or muscle-building. This might actually be the case in some instances, but the reality is that changing the way you look is by no means a guarantee Read More...