Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Man listens to music through headphones while standing against brick wall

Why doing the same thing over and over again doesn’t make you boring

Throughout the pandemic, many of us have been forced to stick to repeating routines more than usual. While some struggle with doing the same things over and over, plenty of people have found their rhythm and actually find that there are some things they don't mind having to do repeatedly. In the Read More...

Thought Leader Series: The res

Thought Leader Series: The resiliency of human nature

Isolation, financial stress, and uncertainty have made many people more depressed and anxious during the pandemic. The good news is that psychiatrist and neurobiology expert Dr. Richard Friedman, whose work was shared with us by an Emissary, finds that humans have boosted resilience in the face of Read More...

Study shows humans are optimis

Study shows humans are optimistic, even when times are tough

Michigan State University has conducted the largest study of its kind on how major life events and aging affect people’s outlook on life, specifically optimism. It comes as no surprise to us at The Optimist Daily that people tend to remain optimistic about the future, even when times are Read More...