Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

Credit shouldn't cost thi

Credit shouldn't cost this much2

Taking action against predatory credit card practices. Ami Domini | June/July 2009 issue People often say to me, "What’s next? What are you mad about?" Today, my answer is plastic cards. Credit cards and bank ATM cards were created to help people. I’m old enough to remember well pulling out my Read More...

Four steps to financial sanity

Four steps to financial sanity

Four things President Obama could do to create a sense of social responsibility in the financial markets. Amy Domini | April 2009 issue Barack Obama has taken office at a critical time in U.S. history. We’re fighting two wars and facing what the new U.S. President and others have called the Read More...

No more business as usual

No more business as usual

How social investors can help bring about corporate and political change. Amy Domini| May 2008 issue As I write this month's column, the primary election cycle here in the U.S. is in full swing. By the time you read this, the identity of our Democratic presidential candidate may well be known, but Read More...

Strengthening the weakest link

Strengthening the weakest link

How investors can help forge safer, more transparent supply chains. Amy Domini| Jan/Feb 2008 issue Over the course of several weeks last spring, pet owners in the U.S. noticed their cats and dogs were falling sick. A toy poodle named Jasmine died of kidney failure in Easton, Maryland. A cat named Read More...