Today’s Solutions: April 24, 2024
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Saints of Pakistan

Abdul Sattar Ehdi and Bilquis Edhi, who are often praised as Muslim equivalents of Mother Teresa, run what is perhaps the world's largest volunteer organization Jay Dunn | Jan/Feb 2009 issue   Chetan Kumar began to suspect he had cancer a year ago, but kept pushing himself … [Read more...] about Saints of Pakistan

Rising up in Riyadh

A young novelist's condemnation of tradition becomes an underground bestseller in Saudi Arabia Marco Visscher | June 2006 issue In chapter one, a woman discovers on her honeymoon that her husband has been unfaithful. She forgives him and becomes pregnant, but he later hits her … [Read more...] about Rising up in Riyadh

The many sides of Allah

Increasingly, Fouad Laroui heard Muslims making allegations that showed they had very little idea what their religion was about and no clue at all about other religions. So he decided to write a book about Islam. Ode spoke with the author. Tijn Touber | May 2007 issue Fouad … [Read more...] about The many sides of Allah