Today’s Solutions: October 22, 2024
Home » IVF

Young pregnant couple looking at ultrasound image

Sperm-sorting tech identifies strongest swimmers to help couples conceive

In-vitro fertilization is certainly a potential avenue for couples who are having problems conceiving a child due to low-quality sperm. However, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that this method is quite expensive and is often unsuccessful. Thanks to a team of scientists in Australia, a Read More...

Coral reef underwater

First IVF corals successfully spawn on Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) has an exciting announcement: The first generation of IVF coral babies have officially reproduced on a degraded reef. As described by GBRF, coral IVF uses modern technology to breed and distribute corals so they have the highest chance of survival. “Our Read More...

Pregnant woman and partner looking at a phone

Spain expands IVF access to single women and LGBTQ individuals

Spain has expanded their public health system to be more equitable with the announcement that single women, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people can have access to medically assisted reproduction, including IVF, making it available free of charge. Fertility treatment in Spain is already Read More...

French MPs finally legalize IV

French MPs finally legalize IVF for LGBT couples and single women

For couples who seek the joy of raising a child, but struggle to conceive, medically assisted reproduction is nothing short of a miracle. Although these medical services cost an arm and a leg in most countries, if you are fortunate enough to live in France, fertility treatments are free—but only Read More...

Two cheetah cubs have been bor

Two cheetah cubs have been born to surrogate mother for the first time ever

Last week, two cheetah cubs were born at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio. But this was no typical birthing. Rather, it was a historic moment as it marked the first time ever that cheetahs were born through in vitro fertilization (IVF) to a surrogate mom.  IVF has been difficult to achieve Read More...