As useful as traditional goal setting can be, these days, there may be more effective ways to handle your professional and personal life. The rapidity of technological advancement and the uncertainty of the global economy may render the goals you set obsolete. With everything shifting so Read More...
Just like running, playing an instrument, or doing the math, if you haven’t had a job interview in a while, you may find you have fallen out of practice. Whether you’re a recent grad or an experienced professional, the key to a good interview is practice. This can help you gather your thoughts, Read More...
It’s Labor Day, and what better day to share that your job may be doing more than just paying the bills. A study from the University of Wisconsin’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center finds that having a job that requires complex social interactions might protect your brain from developing Read More...
In Little Rock, Arkansas vagrants are given the chance to work their way out of poverty through an initiative that pays them to pick up litter. Dubbed Bridge to Work, the program has been paying vagrants $9.25 an hour – two bucks more than the federal minimum wage – for keeping the city’s Read More...
If you’re bored with your job, showing some initiative and creating new projects can serve as a fantastic way to solve your boredom. But if the source of your dissatisfaction is much deeper, it may be time for a change. Here are five signs that show you need to rethink your work Read More...
President of the Party of European Socialists and former prime minister of Denmark, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen nominates Thorkil Sonne for his work in helping those with autism thrive in the workplace. | Jan/Feb 2010 issue Thorkil Sonne. Founder, Specialisterne. Copenhagen, Read More...
Nancy Mann Jackson | August 2009 issue John Morreall, professor of religious studies at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, tells the story of a police officer who responded to a domestic violence call after having completed a course of humor training. As the officer Read More...
David Servan-Schreiber | August 2009 issue Jerry Seinfeld‘s father sold neon signs and often took his son from one local store to the next. His father loved funny stories, and he never failed to tell one to a potential client. Often as they got back into the truck, Seinfeld’s father Read More...
Abdellah Aboulharjan gets young French immigrants off the streets and helps turn them into entrepreneurs. Peter Van Dijk | April 2008 issue Brahim Branki left his native Algeria as a young man to study urban planning in Paris, where he earned a bachelor’s degree. But after working many jobs in Read More...