Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025
Home » Kelp

Sea otters: the guardians of C

Sea otters: the guardians of California's kelp forests

New research from the Monterey Bay Aquarium reveals a striking link between the recovery of Southern sea otters and the condition of kelp forests along the West Coast. According to a study published in the journal PLOS Climate, the recovery of sea otter populations in central California coincided Read More...

Underwater inside the kelp forest in the ocean 

Secrets of the sea: hidden underwater forests may help fight climate crisis

The Nature Conservancy's marine biologist Frank Hurd spends his days amongst gigantic kelp curtains, studying underwater forests. One of his usual diving haunts is a kelp forest off Anacapa Island, one of the Channel Islands national park's protected rocky volcanic islets off southern Read More...

3 Sustainable seafood brands t

3 Sustainable seafood brands to snack on guilt-free

Did you watch Seaspiracy and now struggle with your love of seafood? Fear not! There are seafood brands out there that strive for transparency, sustainability, and even help combat the climate crisis. Here are three sustainable seafood brands that you can indulge in guilt-free. KnowSeafood: Using Read More...

Kelp could replace corn and so

Kelp could replace corn and soy as a biofuel base

We’ve written about kelp as a tool for capturing carbon emissions, but it turns out these giant underwater forests could provide a solution for many of our environmental crises. Researchers from the University of Southern California have found that kelp could serve as a fast-growing and efficient Read More...

Scientists design underwater e

Scientists design underwater elevator that boosts kelp growth four fold

As the production of biofuel continues to increase, so does the need for sustainable feedstocks. Corn, canola, and sugarcane have all been used to produce biofuels, but the problem is that these feedstocks require land to grow on as well as a lot of resources such as water and fertilizers. Kelp Read More...

This new kelp burger is even m

This new kelp burger is even more sustainable than plant-based burgers

While many food companies are replacing beef burger patties with plant-based ones, a new startup is diving into the ocean for a different alternative to meat. The startup, Akua, has launched a new line of burgers made from kelp. Why kelp—you might be asking? While plant-based foods are a Read More...

Kelp: the oceanic plant with s

Kelp: the oceanic plant with skin, health, and thyroid benefits

When you think of kelp, you probably think of slimy green seaweed. Maybe you imagine it grazing your leg in the ocean and sending chills down your Read More...